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Health Topics

  • Local Cardiologist Says Be Aware of Heart Attack Warning Signs

    Physical activity done outside on a cold day, like shoveling snow, can literally be a killer for those at risk…

  • Signs of a thyroid disorder are often hard to spot

    The signs of a thyroid problem can be subtle. Many people often mistake their symptoms for being stressed, overworked, not…

  • Neurologist says don’t wait to get treatment for migraines

    The pain of a migraine headache can be distressing at best and excruciating at its worst. Each episode can last…

  • Is it GERD?

    Heartburn, regurgitation and difficulty swallowing are all symptoms commonly associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, commonly referred to as GERD. Yet…

  • Managing Parkinson’s Disease

    It all starts with a light tremor in a finger or thumb or even the chin, or perhaps a vague…

  • Morris Hospital Cardiologist Says Leg Pain Could Mean Blocked Arteries

    Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a circulatory condition in which arteries become clogged with fatty deposits called plaque, reducing blood…

  • Allergist Can Help Alleviate The Impact Of Fall Allergies

    Sneezing, runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, scratchy throat and cough can be symptoms of fall allergies. Related sinus and nasal…

  • What To Do If You Have A Stroke

    A stroke occurs when the brain’s blood supply is cut off or severely reduced. After several minutes without blood and…

  • The Path to Diabetes Starts with Pre-Diabetes

    Pre-diabetes is the stage before type 2 diabetes, where your blood sugar level is higher than normal, but not high…

  • Relief from Food Allergies is Within Reach

    For someone who has food allergies, eating may require extensive education and planning. While annoying symptoms such as itchy skin,…